Thursday, May 14, 2020

Suitability of Project Management with Organisational...

I agree that project based management is ideally suited to organizational change. Projects produce change and their management technique is undertaken to achieved a specified outcomes that requires commitment of skills and resources (Stuckenbruck,1981). Meanwhile, change management is best described by Parker (2013) as a planned process of transitioning from one state to another through a sequence steps with a focus on generating the acceptance from individuals undergoing the change. The similarity between project based management and change management apparent when each purpose is contrast; project based management focuses extensively on tasks and output while change management emphasizes people and outcome. Project based management†¦show more content†¦Most successful change cases generally went through this series of phases that, in total, usually require a considerable length of time. Skipping steps not only produces dissatisfying results, but also creates illusion of speed. By adopting project based management in these transformation stages, the five process groups of project cycle are very well suited to ensure success in each stage hence delivers good momentum and preserves the entire change efforts. Project initiation refers to activities focused on ensuring realistic business need that will be achieved and identifies the stakeholders that will influence the success of the project (PMI, 2008). The PMBoK further states that it is the beneficial to involve stakeholders from the very start as it improves the probability of shared ownership, acceptance and satisfaction which, in turn, enhances the success of the project. This greatly overlaps with popular change management principles that identify the need for establishing a sense of urgency (Kotter, 2007). It consists of examining the competitive and market forces prevalent for the industry within which the organisational change model. Kotter (2007) also describesShow MoreRelatedOrganisational Culture And Organizational Culture2261 Words   |  10 PagesThroughout this essay organisational culture will be examined, including the two approaches mainstream and critical. What managers can do to shape culture and also an example of wh en culture has in fact been changed. Organisational culture can be acknowledged as the organisations personality; which is also referred to as corporate culture. Organisational culture is defined as the process of how things are dealt with within an organisation on a daily basis, affecting the employees and how they workRead MoreApple Inc. s Corporate Culture Essay1937 Words   |  8 Pagesdetrimental to the organisational culture in terms of Human Resource strategy and practice in Apple Inc. 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